Die Da Yao
Natural, Organic Therapeutic Herbal Salves/Liniments 
These extraordinary salves and liniments combine the herbal wisdom of four ancient healing cultures:
Ayurvedic Medicine
Traditional Chinese Medicine
Tibetan Medicine
Western Herbal Medicine
Quality Ingredients
Our herbs are tested and certified free from pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and preservatives. The oils for our salves are certified organic. Our beeswax is 100% pure, natural beeswax.
Our Cool Brace Cooling Liniment is made in a cooling witch hazel and aloe base.
Our Tendon Warming Liniment is made in a penetrating ethol alcohol base.
Unique specific herbs are combined together into a proprietary blend for each salve and liniment.
The herbal blends for our salves are mixed with specific healing oils and gently heated and stirred for hours. This process yields a powerful healing oil that is infused with the synergistic therapeutic effects of all the herbs in the blend.
The History of Die Da Yao
These Chinese characters are pronounced in English as Die Da Yao. The literal meanings of these characters are:
Fall (as in to fall down or suffer a fall), Hit (as to hit something or to get hit), Medicine.
Die Da Yao literally means medicine for hits and falls.
Die Da Yao medicine traces its roots back to the practices of the ancient Chinese Martial Art Masters. Their longevity depended upon both their fighting skills AND their ability to effectively and quickly recover from any injuries they received during training or worse, during warfare.
The ancient Chinese developed a variety of herbal formulas that addressed a wide range of problems. They had formulas for reducing muscle and joint pain, reducing swelling, healing cuts, preventing infections, and treating bruised and/or broken bones.
These ancient formulations are still relevant and effective for treating the physical ailments experienced by modern man. and his horses!